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Anti-Bullying Text Messages
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How To Prevent & Stop Bullying With Anti-Bullying Text Messages
How schools use our text messaging to allow children to report bullying right through their cell phone.
How Parents, Teachers and Kids Can Take Action To Prevent Bullying At Schools
Most children start off their academic careers excited about the prospect of school, but over time that eagerness wanes for some. Skipping out on school or missing class due to tardiness not only hinders a child’s education, it puts them at risk for dropping out altogether and future juvenile delinquency.
No longer considered a harmless part of day to day school life, school bullying has escalated from stealing a kid’s lunch money to physical and emotional abuse.
This escalation now calls for drastic measures on the part of parents, school officials, and law enforcement to put an end to it.
Create An Anti-Bullying Text Messaging Program At School
One possible way to do this is to catch a bully in the act, and the way to do that is with instant notification that a child is being bullied using SMS text messaging. Most kids have a cell phone in their possession and can use it to send a message if they are experiencing or even witnessing a problem with a bully.
To implement this type of service, a school or a school district will set up an account with DialMyCalls. With that, an easy-to-remember custom keyword will be assigned to the school.
The school can then inform all students of the service and share the keyword with them. Most kids carry a cell phone with them now and will be familiar with how text messaging works.
If a child is feeling threatened or being bullied they can relay that message to a school official using the custom keyword. The authority can then communicate with the child or take appropriate action if the scenario calls for it. This two-way messaging service allows the adult to speak with the child and offer up any assistance that they may need.
This instant reporting gives a child a sense of security once again as they now will have a way to put a stop to the bullying almost immediately. Knowing that they have that instant access to a trusted authority figure is sometimes all they need to give them the courage to stand up for themselves.
Bullying Messages: Reporting for Bullying and Cyberbullying Incidents
Children can also use this SMS text messaging service to speak with an adult via text after an incident. Many children often feel ashamed about being bullied but this text messaging service may give them the courage to open up and share their experiences.
SMS Text Messaging Programs Allow Students to Report Bullying at Schools
The role of school officials and parents must be to encourage their kids to speak up against school bullies. The more opportunities a child has to do this, the better they will begin to feel about the safety of their environment.
Using texting, either to report a bully or talk about an event, allows a kid to be honest and open about what is going on. Once the fear to speak is eliminated, the confidence they have in their school begins to grow. With that will come the confidence they need to take their own stance against being bullied.
Send A Sample Broadcast
We'll send a sample call or text to your phone right now. Remember when you use DialMyCalls you can record your message in your own voice. When the phone rings just pick up and say "Hello" to hear the message.